Choose Platoon now to prepare you for your Wedding

You know you have to get on an exercise and diet plan leading up to the big day. Every bride’s (and groom) body type and fitness goals vary – while some may be looking to shed a few pounds, others may prefer to tone their bodies. Either way Platoon is the best wedding workout plan for fitness wedding preparation. We use scientifically backed protocols and start where you are. We hold your hand or kick your butt, whatever it takes to keep you motivated.
- Lose Weight
- Increase muscle tone
- Look your best in your wedding clothes and photos
- Gain stamina and core strength
- Get diet help
- Two train for the same price as one
- De-stress
- Sleep better and more easily
- Homework to do between sessions
Get started now with a full assessment for only $35.
Ask for our Wedding Present special 3 Sessions for $90
For questions or to get started,
Contact Todd Scott
[email protected]